電子信箱帳號被釣魚信件入侵也不是什麼新鮮事,不過這次模仿 Gmail 服務信的還滿到位的,它的信箱偽裝成是 services@gmail.com , 這倒是比其他偽裝者更像樣一點 XD
from Gmail 小組
date Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 5:05 PM
subject 緊急通知:您的Gmail帳戶即將被封鎖
1. 在短時間內接收、刪除或下載大量郵件 (透過 POP)。
2. 寄送大量無法寄送的郵件 (退回的郵件)。
3. 使用檔案分享或檔案儲存軟體、瀏覽器擴充套件或會自動登入您帳戶的第三方軟體。
4. 您的 Gmail 帳戶有多個實例呈開啟狀態。
5. 與瀏覽器相關的問題。請注意,如果您發現瀏覽器在嘗試存取您的收件匣時會持續重新載入,這很可能是瀏覽器的問題,而且可能需要清除您瀏覽器的快取和Cookie。
PS : 20101027 今天又收到一封英文版的,Emergency Notification:your gmail account will be blocked ....
Dear users:
Your account as unusual account activity will be blocked, which may be caused by the following:
In the short period of time receiving, deleting, or downloading large amounts of mail (via POP).
Sending large number of undeliverable messages (returned mail).
Use file-sharing or file storage software, browser extensions, or will automatically log in to your account third party software.
You have multiple instances of Gmail account was open.
And browser-related issues. Please note that if you find the browser trying to access your Inbox will continue to reload, this is probably the browser issue, and may need to clear your browser cache and Cookie.
In order not to affect your normal use, immediately activate the account in the following window:
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